Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. (201729700N)

The Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. company was incorporated on 16 Oct 2017 which official address is , Keng Cheow Street, Singapore (59608). The Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. company is a Other Holding Companies business type company which Unique Entity Number is 201729700N and UEN was issued on 2017-10-16 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. is Other Holding Companies and the ssic code is 64202.

Frequently Asked Questions of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd.

201729700N is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd.

Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2017-10-16 00:00:00.

The Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 16 Oct 2017

The official address of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. company is , Keng Cheow Street, Singapore (59608)

59608 is the Postal code of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd.

64202 is the primary ssic code of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd..

OTHER HOLDING COMPANIES is the primary ssic description of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

RENTING PROPERTY is the primary user described activity of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

70201 is the secondary ssic code of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (GENERAL) is the secondary ssic description of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Live Company is the current status of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Local Company is the entity type description of Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

There are 4 officers in Clarke Bay Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Other Singapore Companies

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Class Act Production

Class Act Production was incorporated on 19 Jan 2000 which office address is Siloso Beach Walk, Singapore (98998) and the Class Act Production is a Partnership (other Amusement And Recreation Activities N.e.c. (including Recreation Parks/beaches And Recreational Fishing)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52910721W & SSIC code is 93209

Class Act Production

Class Acts Llp

Class Acts Llp was incorporated on 21 Apr 2015 which office address is Toa Payoh North, Singapore (318992) and the Class Acts Llp is a Commercial Printing (eg Printing Of Brochures, Cards, Envelopes, Labels And Stationery) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is T15LL0641H & SSIC code is 18113

Class Acts Llp

Class Actz

Class Actz was incorporated on 28 Feb 2011 which office address is Fortune Centre, Middle Road, Singapore (188979) and the Class Actz is a Partnership (event/concert Organisers) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53186256M & SSIC code is 82303

Class Actz

Class Actz Pte. Ltd.

Class Actz Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 13 Dec 2011 which office address is Upper Serangoon Shopping Centre, Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore (534626) and the Class Actz Pte. Ltd. is a Event/concert Organisers business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201135489C & SSIC code is 82303

Class Actz Pte. Ltd.

Class Actz Services

Class Actz Services was incorporated on 22 Jan 2015 which office address is Eco-tech@sunview, Sunview Road, Singapore (627615) and the Class Actz Services is a Sole Proprietor (commercial Printing (eg Printing Of Brochures, Cards, Envelopes, Labels And Stationery) ) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53288951K & SSIC code is 18113

Class Actz Services

Class Actz Services Pte. Ltd.

Class Actz Services Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 14 Dec 2016 which office address is 9 @ Tagore, Tagore Lane, Singapore (787472) and the Class Actz Services Pte. Ltd. is a Commercial Printing (eg Printing Of Brochures, Cards, Envelopes, Labels And Stationery) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201634038K & SSIC code is 18113

Class Actz Services Pte. Ltd.

Class Art Advertising House

Class Art Advertising House was incorporated on 06 Jul 1998 which office address is Golden Mile Complex, Beach Road, Singapore (199588) and the Class Art Advertising House is a Sole Proprietor (advertising Activities) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52871270E & SSIC code is 73100

Class Art Advertising House

Class Art Services

Class Art Services was incorporated on 07 Apr 1995 which office address is Changi Road, Singapore (419795) and the Class Art Services is a Sole Proprietor (advertising Activities) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52651300D & SSIC code is 73100

Class Art Services

Class Asia Education

Class Asia Education was incorporated on 29 Apr 2002 which office address is Bylands Building, Middle Road, Singapore (188975) and the Class Asia Education is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Textiles And Leathers) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52967956J & SSIC code is 46411

Class Asia Education

Class Auto Air-con Accessories

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Class Auto Air-con Accessories

Class Auto Pte. Ltd.

Class Auto Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 27 Mar 2003 which office address is Paya Ubi Industrial Park, Ubi Avenue 1, Singapore (408934) and the Class Auto Pte. Ltd. is a Manufacture Of Plastic Products N.e.c. (except Plastic Footwear And Toys) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 200302860N & SSIC code is 22219

Class Auto Pte. Ltd.

Class Auto United

Class Auto United was incorporated on 31 May 2001 which office address is Plaza, The, Beach Road, Singapore (199591) and the Class Auto United is a Partnership (retail Sale Of Motor Vehicles Except Motorcycles And Scooters) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52945169K & SSIC code is 47311

Class Auto United

Class Beauty

Class Beauty was incorporated on 21 Nov 2020 which office address is Mayo Street, Singapore (208322) and the Class Beauty is a Sole Proprietor (beauty Salons And Spas (including Slimming, Skin Care And Hair Care Centres)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53424577C & SSIC code is 96022

Class Beauty

Class Collection Tailor

Class Collection Tailor was incorporated on 13 May 2006 which office address is Toa Payoh Central, Singapore (310186) and the Class Collection Tailor is a Sole Proprietor (tailoring And Dressmaking (to Individual Order)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53068254X & SSIC code is 14103

Class Collection Tailor

Class Collections

Class Collections was incorporated on 04 Mar 1992 which office address is Henderson Ind Pk, Henderson Road, Singapore (159546) and the Class Collections is a Partnership (general Cleaning Services (including Cleaning Of Public Areas, Offices And Factories) Except Household Cleaning) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 46095000B & SSIC code is 81211

Class Collections

Class Commercial Photograph Centre

Class Commercial Photograph Centre was incorporated on 10 Dec 1979 which office address is Yi Guang Fty Bldg, Paya Lebar Road, Singapore (409032) and the Class Commercial Photograph Centre is a Sole Proprietor (hairdressing Salons/shops (including Barber Shops)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 26052200K & SSIC code is 96021

Class Commercial Photograph Centre

Class Connection Pte. Ltd.

Class Connection Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 17 Aug 2020 which office address is Hougang Street 21, Singapore (530203) and the Class Connection Pte. Ltd. is a Retail Sale In Other Non-specialised Stores N.e.c. business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 202024522K & SSIC code is 47199

Class Connection Pte. Ltd.

Class Consultants Pte. Ltd.

Class Consultants Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 07 Oct 2000 which office address is Singapore Post Centre, Eunos Road 8, Singapore (408600) and the Class Consultants Pte. Ltd. is a Management Consultancy Services (general) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 200008635H & SSIC code is 70201

Class Consultants Pte. Ltd.

Class Consulting Pte. Ltd.

Class Consulting Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 01 Dec 2013 which office address is Anchorvale Drive, Singapore (541322) and the Class Consulting Pte. Ltd. is a Management Consultancy Services (general) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201332276E & SSIC code is 70201

Class Consulting Pte. Ltd.

Class Cuts

Class Cuts was incorporated on 11 Jul 1996 which office address is Shamrock Park, Namly Drive, Singapore (267434) and the Class Cuts is a Sole Proprietor (retail Sale Of Cut Flowers (including Wreaths)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52825589D & SSIC code is 47743

Class Cuts

Class Design Pte Ltd

Class Design Pte Ltd was incorporated on 05 Oct 1989 which office address is Sungei Kadut Avenue, Singapore (729665) and the Class Design Pte Ltd is a General Contractors (building Construction Including Major Upgrading Works) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 198904307R & SSIC code is 41001

Class Design Pte Ltd

Class Distinction

Class Distinction was incorporated on 26 Apr 2002 which office address is Jalan Anak Bukit, Singapore (588998) and the Class Distinction is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale On A Fee Or Contract Basis (eg Commission Agents)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52967836E & SSIC code is 46100

Class Distinction