Connecturs (private Limited) (201812337C)

The Connecturs (private Limited) company was incorporated on 12 Apr 2018 which official address is , One Tree Hill, Singapore (248668). The Connecturs (private Limited) company is a Management Consultancy Services (general) business type company which Unique Entity Number is 201812337C and UEN was issued on 2018-04-12 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Connecturs (private Limited) is Management Consultancy Services (general) and the ssic code is 70201.

Frequently Asked Questions of Connecturs (private Limited)

201812337C is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Connecturs (private Limited)

Connecturs (private Limited) Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2018-04-12 00:00:00.

The Connecturs (private Limited) was incorporated on 12 Apr 2018

The official address of Connecturs (private Limited) company is , One Tree Hill, Singapore (248668)

248668 is the Postal code of Connecturs (private Limited)

70201 is the primary ssic code of Connecturs (private Limited).

MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCY SERVICES (GENERAL) is the primary ssic description of Connecturs (private Limited) firm (company).

CONSULTANCY is the primary user described activity of Connecturs (private Limited) firm (company).

Live Company is the current status of Connecturs (private Limited) firm (company).

Local Company is the entity type description of Connecturs (private Limited) firm (company).

There are 2 officers in Connecturs (private Limited) firm (company).

Other Singapore Companies

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Connexion Mobiles

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Connexions Business Support Llp

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Connexions Hr & Consulting Pte. Ltd.

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Connexions@work (pte. Ltd.)

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Connexis Design & Print Pte. Ltd.

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