Cranium Metal Engineering (53193105J)
The Cranium Metal Engineering company was incorporated on 06 Jun 2011 which official address is Nehsons Building, Peck Seah Street, Singapore (79314). The Cranium Metal Engineering company is a Sole Proprietor (metal Product Services N.e.c.) business type company which Unique Entity Number is 53193105J and UEN was issued on 2011-06-07 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Cranium Metal Engineering is Metal Product Services N.e.c. and the ssic code is 25929.
Frequently Asked Questions of Cranium Metal Engineering
53193105J is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Cranium Metal Engineering
Cranium Metal Engineering Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2011-06-07 00:00:00.
The Cranium Metal Engineering was incorporated on 06 Jun 2011
The official address of Cranium Metal Engineering company is Nehsons Building, Peck Seah Street, Singapore (79314)
79314 is the Postal code of Cranium Metal Engineering
25929 is the primary ssic code of Cranium Metal Engineering.
METAL PRODUCT SERVICES N.E.C. is the primary ssic description of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
METAL FABRICATION FOR INTERIOR WORKS is the primary user described activity of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
31003 is the secondary ssic code of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE AND FIXTURES PRIMARILY OF METAL is the secondary ssic description of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
METAL FABRICATION FOR INTERIOR WORKS is the secondary user described activity of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
Cancelled is the current status of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
The Cranium Metal Engineering is a Sole Proprietor firm (company).
Business is the entity type description of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
The business constitution description of Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company) is Sole Proprietor
There are 1 officers in Cranium Metal Engineering firm (company).
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