Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd (199201196C)

The Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd company was incorporated on 07 Mar 1992 which official address is Golden Wall Ctr, Short Street, Singapore (188216). The Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd company is a Building Construction N.e.c. business type company which Unique Entity Number is 199201196C and UEN was issued on 2008-09-10 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd is Building Construction N.e.c. and the ssic code is 41009.

Frequently Asked Questions of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd

199201196C is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd

Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2008-09-10 00:00:00.

The Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd was incorporated on 07 Mar 1992

The official address of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd company is Golden Wall Ctr, Short Street, Singapore (188216)

188216 is the Postal code of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd

41009 is the primary ssic code of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd.

BUILDING CONSTRUCTION N.E.C. is the primary ssic description of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

42103 is the secondary ssic code of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

BRIDGE, TUNNEL, VIADUCT AND ELEVATED HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION is the secondary ssic description of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

Struck Off is the current status of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

Local Company is the entity type description of Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

There are 4 officers in Soon Seng Construction Pte Ltd firm (company).

Other Singapore Companies

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Soon Seng Sea Foods Supplies

Soon Seng Sea Foods Supplies was incorporated on 20 Feb 1987 which office address is Sennett Lane, Singapore (466912) and the Soon Seng Sea Foods Supplies is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Livestock, Meat, Poultry, Eggs And Seafood (including Fresh And Frozen)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 37208500L & SSIC code is 46302

Soon Seng Sea Foods Supplies

Soon Seng Seafoods Trading

Soon Seng Seafoods Trading was incorporated on 22 Aug 1990 which office address is International Plaza, Anson Road, Singapore (79903) and the Soon Seng Seafoods Trading is a Partnership (wholesale Of Livestock, Meat, Poultry, Eggs And Seafood (including Fresh And Frozen)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 43267000M & SSIC code is 46302

Soon Seng Seafoods Trading

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Soon Seng Security Alarm Systems

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Soon Seng Serangoon Kiosk

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Soon Seng Service

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Soon Seng Signcraft

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Soon Seng Silversmith Handicra Ft

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Soon Seng Snack Bar

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Soon Seng Sofa & Co

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Soon Seng Spray Painting

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Soon Seng Spray Painting Specialist

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Soon Seng Tailor Contractor

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Soon Seng Tat Trading

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Soon Seng Teochew Fishhead Steamboat

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Soon Seng Teochew Porridge & Eating House

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Soon Seng Textile Trading Co

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Soon Seng Timber

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Soon Seng Trading

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Soon Seng Trading (s) Pte. Ltd.

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Soon Seng Trading And Sales

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Soon Seng Trading Company, Limited

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Soon Seng Transport & Movers Pte. Ltd.