Soon Wah Trading Co (06555500K)

The Soon Wah Trading Co company was incorporated on 07 Mar 1975 which official address is , Upper Weld Road, Singapore (207374). The Soon Wah Trading Co company is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Industrial, Construction And Related Machinery And Equipment N.e.c.) business type company which Unique Entity Number is 06555500K and UEN was issued on 2008-09-09 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Soon Wah Trading Co is Wholesale Of Industrial, Construction And Related Machinery And Equipment N.e.c. and the ssic code is 46549.

Frequently Asked Questions of Soon Wah Trading Co

06555500K is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Soon Wah Trading Co

Soon Wah Trading Co Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2008-09-09 00:00:00.

The Soon Wah Trading Co was incorporated on 07 Mar 1975

The official address of Soon Wah Trading Co company is , Upper Weld Road, Singapore (207374)

207374 is the Postal code of Soon Wah Trading Co

46549 is the primary ssic code of Soon Wah Trading Co.

WHOLESALE OF INDUSTRIAL, CONSTRUCTION AND RELATED MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT N.E.C. is the primary ssic description of Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company).

46642 is the secondary ssic code of Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company).

WHOLESALE OF CHEMICAL FERTILISERS is the secondary ssic description of Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company).

The Soon Wah Trading Co is a Sole Proprietor firm (company).

Business is the entity type description of Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company).

The business constitution description of Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company) is Sole Proprietor

There are 2 officers in Soon Wah Trading Co firm (company).

Other Singapore Companies

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Soon Yew Co Iron Factory

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Soon Yew Dragon Lion Dance Troupe

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Soon Yew Seng Renovation Contractor

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