South East Asia Building Construction (27524800C)
The South East Asia Building Construction company was incorporated on 30 Jan 1981 which official address is , Lorong 9 Geylang, Singapore (1438). The South East Asia Building Construction company is a Sole Proprietor (building Construction N.e.c.) business type company which Unique Entity Number is 27524800C and UEN was issued on 2008-09-09 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of South East Asia Building Construction is Building Construction N.e.c. and the ssic code is 41009.
Frequently Asked Questions of South East Asia Building Construction
27524800C is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of South East Asia Building Construction
South East Asia Building Construction Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2008-09-09 00:00:00.
The South East Asia Building Construction was incorporated on 30 Jan 1981
The official address of South East Asia Building Construction company is , Lorong 9 Geylang, Singapore (1438)
1438 is the Postal code of South East Asia Building Construction
41009 is the primary ssic code of South East Asia Building Construction.
BUILDING CONSTRUCTION N.E.C. is the primary ssic description of South East Asia Building Construction firm (company).
The South East Asia Building Construction is a Sole Proprietor firm (company).
Business is the entity type description of South East Asia Building Construction firm (company).
The business constitution description of South East Asia Building Construction firm (company) is Sole Proprietor
There are 2 officers in South East Asia Building Construction firm (company).
Other Singapore Companies
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South East Asian Distributors Llp