Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. (200808215N)
The Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. company was incorporated on 28 Apr 2008 which official address is Beach Centre, Beach Road, Singapore (189677). The Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. company is a Other Holding Companies business type company which Unique Entity Number is 200808215N and UEN was issued on 2008-09-13 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. is Other Holding Companies and the ssic code is 64202.
Frequently Asked Questions of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd.
200808215N is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd.
Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2008-09-13 00:00:00.
The Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 28 Apr 2008
The official address of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. company is Beach Centre, Beach Road, Singapore (189677)
189677 is the Postal code of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd.
64202 is the primary ssic code of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd..
OTHER HOLDING COMPANIES is the primary ssic description of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
INVESTMENT HOLDING is the primary user described activity of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Struck Off is the current status of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Local Company is the entity type description of Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
There are 4 officers in Sp Chemicals Industrial Park Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Other Singapore Companies
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Sp Lounge