Sperling Pte. Ltd. (201523884H)

The Sperling Pte. Ltd. company was incorporated on 22 May 2015 which official address is Prudential Tower, Cecil Street, Singapore (49712). The Sperling Pte. Ltd. company is a Other Holding Companies business type company which Unique Entity Number is 201523884H and UEN was issued on 2015-05-23 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Sperling Pte. Ltd. is Other Holding Companies and the ssic code is 64202.

Frequently Asked Questions of Sperling Pte. Ltd.

201523884H is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Sperling Pte. Ltd.

Sperling Pte. Ltd. Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2015-05-23 00:00:00.

The Sperling Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 22 May 2015

The official address of Sperling Pte. Ltd. company is Prudential Tower, Cecil Street, Singapore (49712)

49712 is the Postal code of Sperling Pte. Ltd.

64202 is the primary ssic code of Sperling Pte. Ltd..

OTHER HOLDING COMPANIES is the primary ssic description of Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

46900 is the secondary ssic code of Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

WHOLESALE TRADE OF A VARIETY OF GOODS WITHOUT A DOMINANT PRODUCT is the secondary ssic description of Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Struck Off is the current status of Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Local Company is the entity type description of Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

There are 3 officers in Sperling Pte. Ltd. firm (company).

Other Singapore Companies

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Spf Engineering

Spf Engineering was incorporated on 05 Apr 2001 which office address is Jurong West Avenue 1, Singapore (640503) and the Spf Engineering is a Partnership (building Construction N.e.c.) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52941395K & SSIC code is 41009

Spf Engineering

Spf Enterprises

Spf Enterprises was incorporated on 27 Jul 2015 which office address is Everton Park, Everton Park, Singapore (81001) and the Spf Enterprises is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Construction Materials, Hardware, Plumbing And Heating Equipment And Supplies N.e.c. (eg Cement, Sand)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53311808E & SSIC code is 46639

Spf Enterprises

Spf Global-link

Spf Global-link was incorporated on 18 Nov 1998 which office address is Lorong 8 Toa Payoh, Singapore (310222) and the Spf Global-link is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale On A Fee Or Contract Basis (eg Commission Agents)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52880378J & SSIC code is 46100

Spf Global-link

Spf Industrial Supply

Spf Industrial Supply was incorporated on 04 Apr 2003 which office address is Textile Centre, Jalan Sultan, Singapore (199018) and the Spf Industrial Supply is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Trade Of A Variety Of Goods Without A Dominant Product) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52991553K & SSIC code is 46900

Spf Industrial Supply

Spf International (pte.) Ltd.

Spf International (pte.) Ltd. was incorporated on 09 Nov 2012 which office address is North Spring Bizhub, Yishun Industrial Street 1, Singapore (768162) and the Spf International (pte.) Ltd. is a Installation Of Thermal And Sound Insulation (including Solar Control Films) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201227666K & SSIC code is 43295

Spf International (pte.) Ltd.

Spf Merchandise

Spf Merchandise was incorporated on 23 Mar 2014 which office address is Hougang Avenue 4, Singapore (530605) and the Spf Merchandise is a Sole Proprietor (retail Sale Of Clothing For Adults) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53257252A & SSIC code is 47711

Spf Merchandise

Spf Networx International

Spf Networx International was incorporated on 20 Jul 2001 which office address is Defu Lane 10, Singapore (539215) and the Spf Networx International is a Sole Proprietor (information Technology Consultancy (except Cybersecurity)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52948638E & SSIC code is 62021

Spf Networx International

Spf Private Limited

Spf Private Limited was incorporated on 06 Jan 1988 which office address is Clifford Ctr, Raffles Place, Singapore (48621) and the Spf Private Limited is a Bank/financial Holding Companies (including Insurance Holding Company) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 198800035Z & SSIC code is 64201

Spf Private Limited

Spf Renovation

Spf Renovation was incorporated on 04 Aug 2010 which office address is Hougang Street 52, Singapore (530539) and the Spf Renovation is a Sole Proprietor (general Contractors (building Construction Including Major Upgrading Works)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53173131J & SSIC code is 41001

Spf Renovation

Spf Trading & Engineering Services

Spf Trading & Engineering Services was incorporated on 21 Jan 1985 which office address is Ubi Road 1, Singapore (408719) and the Spf Trading & Engineering Services is a Sole Proprietor (manufacture And Repair Of Gears, Gearing And Driving Elements ) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 33988500M & SSIC code is 28142

Spf Trading & Engineering Services

Spf Unicorn Pte. Ltd.

Spf Unicorn Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 01 Sep 2018 which office address is The Crest, Prince Charles Crescent, Singapore (159017) and the Spf Unicorn Pte. Ltd. is a Management Consultancy Services (general) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201830006M & SSIC code is 70201

Spf Unicorn Pte. Ltd.


Spf130.com was incorporated on 16 Aug 2005 which office address is Woodlands Ring Road, Singapore (730651) and the Spf130.com is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Products (western)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53050682C & SSIC code is 46461


Spfg Pte. Ltd.

Spfg Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 20 Oct 2004 which office address is St. Francis Lodge, St. Francis Road, Singapore (328074) and the Spfg Pte. Ltd. is a Retail Sale Of Food N.e.c. business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 200413553H & SSIC code is 47219

Spfg Pte. Ltd.

Spfs Purification Products

Spfs Purification Products was incorporated on 20 Jan 2003 which office address is Sim Lim Tower, Jalan Besar, Singapore (208787) and the Spfs Purification Products is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Textiles And Leathers) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52986365X & SSIC code is 46411

Spfs Purification Products

Spg Agencies

Spg Agencies was incorporated on 24 Jul 1989 which office address is Ming Arcade, Cuscaden Road, Singapore (249715) and the Spg Agencies is a Sole Proprietor (wholesale Of Health Supplements) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 41374400X & SSIC code is 46306

Spg Agencies

Spg Construction

Spg Construction was incorporated on 10 Feb 1995 which office address is Gerald Park, Singapore (799661) and the Spg Construction is a Sole Proprietor (electrical Works) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52266400L & SSIC code is 43210

Spg Construction

Spg Construction Pte Ltd

Spg Construction Pte Ltd was incorporated on 13 Feb 1999 which office address is Selegie Complex, Selegie Road, Singapore (188350) and the Spg Construction Pte Ltd is a Building Construction N.e.c. business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 199900818M & SSIC code is 41009

Spg Construction Pte Ltd

Spg Construction Pte. Ltd.

Spg Construction Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 10 Jul 2020 which office address is Ub. One, Ubi Avenue 4, Singapore (408830) and the Spg Construction Pte. Ltd. is a Building Construction N.e.c. business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 202019693H & SSIC code is 41009

Spg Construction Pte. Ltd.

Spg Contractor Enterprise

Spg Contractor Enterprise was incorporated on 01 Oct 2010 which office address is M-space, Mandai Estate, Singapore (729938) and the Spg Contractor Enterprise is a Partnership (general Contractors (building Construction Including Major Upgrading Works)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53176817A & SSIC code is 41001

Spg Contractor Enterprise

Spg Contractor Pte. Ltd.

Spg Contractor Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 01 Oct 2011 which office address is M-space, Mandai Estate, Singapore (729938) and the Spg Contractor Pte. Ltd. is a General Contractors (building Construction Including Major Upgrading Works) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201129734N & SSIC code is 41001

Spg Contractor Pte. Ltd.

Spg Contracts Management Pte. Ltd.

Spg Contracts Management Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 24 Jun 2008 which office address is M-space, Mandai Estate, Singapore (729938) and the Spg Contracts Management Pte. Ltd. is a General Contractors (building Construction Including Major Upgrading Works) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 200812266H & SSIC code is 41001

Spg Contracts Management Pte. Ltd.

Spg Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd.

Spg Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 05 Feb 2016 which office address is Bartley Biz Centre, Kaki Bukit Road 4, Singapore (417807) and the Spg Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd. is a Wholesale Trade Of A Variety Of Goods Without A Dominant Product business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 201603100H & SSIC code is 46900

Spg Energy Holdings Pte. Ltd.