Tr & Rr Enterprise (42128800X)

The Tr & Rr Enterprise company was incorporated on 09 Jan 1990 which official address is , Bah Tan Road, Singapore (2776). The Tr & Rr Enterprise company is a Sole Proprietor (manpower Contracting Services (excluding It Manpower)) business type company which Unique Entity Number is 42128800X and UEN was issued on 2008-09-10 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of Tr & Rr Enterprise is Manpower Contracting Services (excluding It Manpower) and the ssic code is 78102.

Frequently Asked Questions of Tr & Rr Enterprise

42128800X is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of Tr & Rr Enterprise

Tr & Rr Enterprise Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2008-09-10 00:00:00.

The Tr & Rr Enterprise was incorporated on 09 Jan 1990

The official address of Tr & Rr Enterprise company is , Bah Tan Road, Singapore (2776)

2776 is the Postal code of Tr & Rr Enterprise

78102 is the primary ssic code of Tr & Rr Enterprise.

MANPOWER CONTRACTING SERVICES (EXCLUDING IT MANPOWER) is the primary ssic description of Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company).

46900 is the secondary ssic code of Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company).

WHOLESALE TRADE OF A VARIETY OF GOODS WITHOUT A DOMINANT PRODUCT is the secondary ssic description of Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company).

The Tr & Rr Enterprise is a Sole Proprietor firm (company).

Business is the entity type description of Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company).

The business constitution description of Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company) is Sole Proprietor

There are 2 officers in Tr & Rr Enterprise firm (company).

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