St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. (201311918Z)
The St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. company was incorporated on 03 May 2013 which official address is South Beach Tower, Beach Road, Singapore (189767). The St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. company is a Other Holding Companies business type company which Unique Entity Number is 201311918Z and UEN was issued on 2013-05-04 00:00:00. The primary ssic description of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. is Other Holding Companies and the ssic code is 64202.
Frequently Asked Questions of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd.
201311918Z is the UEN (Unique Entity Number) of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd.
St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. Unique Entity Number (UEN) was issued on 2013-05-04 00:00:00.
The St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. was incorporated on 03 May 2013
The official address of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. company is South Beach Tower, Beach Road, Singapore (189767)
189767 is the Postal code of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd.
64202 is the primary ssic code of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd..
OTHER HOLDING COMPANIES is the primary ssic description of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Live Company is the current status of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Local Company is the entity type description of St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
There are 2 officers in St Ives Marketing Services (singapore) Pte. Ltd. firm (company).
Other Singapore Companies
Go to all companiesKin Hong Restaurant
Kin Hong Restaurant was incorporated on 27 Mar 1975 which office address is Sembawang Road, Singapore (2775) and the Kin Hong Restaurant is a Sole Proprietor (food Courts, Coffee Shops, And Eating Houses (with Mainly Food And Beverage Income)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 20548500J & SSIC code is 56122
Kin Hong RestaurantKin Hoon Eating House
Kin Hoon Eating House was incorporated on 29 Mar 1986 which office address is Balestier Road, Singapore (329816) and the Kin Hoon Eating House is a Sole Proprietor (food Courts, Coffee Shops, And Eating Houses (with Mainly Food And Beverage Income)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 35744900B & SSIC code is 56122
Kin Hoon Eating HouseKin Hsieh Enterprise
Kin Hsieh Enterprise was incorporated on 30 Oct 1999 which office address is International Plaza, Anson Road, Singapore (79903) and the Kin Hsieh Enterprise is a Sole Proprietor (other Business Support Service Activities (eg Junkets, Administration Of Loyalty Programmes)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 52905501E & SSIC code is 82999
Kin Hsieh EnterpriseKin Hua Huat Engineering Construction
Kin Hua Huat Engineering Construction was incorporated on 21 Oct 1981 which office address is Lorong Tawas, Singapore (2263) and the Kin Hua Huat Engineering Construction is a Sole Proprietor (construction Of Other Civil Engineering Projects N.e.c. (eg Playground Systems)) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 28614900A & SSIC code is 42909
Kin Hua Huat Engineering ConstructionKin Huat Engineering & Pipe Works
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Kin Huat Engineering & Pipe WorksKin Huat Lighting Pte. Ltd.
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Kin Huat Lighting Pte. Ltd.Kin Huat Motor Workshop
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Kin Huat Motor WorkshopKin Huat Provision Shop
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Kin Huat Provision ShopKin Huay Cooked Food
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Kin Huay Cooked FoodKin Hung International
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Kin Hung InternationalKin Hung Manufacture & Trading
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Kin Hup Company (pte.) LimitedKin Hup Heng Enterprise Pte. Ltd.
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Kin Hup Heng Enterprise Pte. Ltd.Kin Hup Heng Pte Ltd
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Kin Hup Heng Pte LtdKin Hup Leong Seafood Restaurant
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Kin Hup Leong Seafood RestaurantKin Hwee Contractor
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Kin Hwee ContractorKin Im Thai Cuisine Llp
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Kin Im Thai Cuisine LlpKin Industrial Machinery
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Kin Industrial MachineryKin Industry & Marine Supply
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Kin Industry & Marine SupplyKin Jewellery
Kin Jewellery was incorporated on 25 May 2018 which office address is Tampines Street 44, Singapore (520478) and the Kin Jewellery is a Partnership (retail Sale Of Jewellery Made From Precious Metals And Stones) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 53382268L & SSIC code is 47731
Kin JewelleryKin Ji Engineering
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Kin Ji EngineeringKin Jin Tong
Kin Jin Tong was incorporated on 28 Feb 1975 which office address is Mei Ling Street, Singapore (314) and the Kin Jin Tong is a Partnership (chinese Medicine Shops) business based firm (Company) which UEN number is 06251500D & SSIC code is 47723
Kin Jin Tong